Fika in pakistan

In Pakistan, they have a similar concept to fika called "chai." Chai, which means tea, is a deeply ingrained part of our culture, much like fika is in Sweden.  Chai is a hindi word for tea, the word chai derived from “cha”, the Chinese word for “tea”. In Pakistan they often have chai multiple times a day, typically in the morning and evening. It's a way to start the day and to unwind after work.

Rohail says “Chai is common at home and at work. Offices often have free chai available to their employees with frequent chai breaks. Also, at home chai is frequently consumed especially during the morning and evening hours when families come together over the breakfast or lunch table. Chai is often used to start your day with energy or to get some energy at the end of the day when you are winding up work.”

Thank you kindly to Rohail Kamran for this write-up and the pictures 🙏



