Fika is connection. Fika is a social activity. Fika is an informal meeting. Fika is to slow down and appreciate the moment. Fika is a tea or coffee break. Fika is to connect with each other over tea and cake. Fika is an important part of the Swedish culture. Fika breaks are breaks that are a deeply established part of Swedish life and work culture.

Geraldine Addo-Adamu, previous colleague;

“Fika is much more than just a coffee break; it’s a cherished moment of peace that breathes freshness into our day. I personally believe It can redefine the workplace. This delightful Swedish tradition offers us a pause for connection and reflection, enhancing our well-being and nurturing a sense of community among colleagues. It’s a chance to step back, replenish our energy, and return to our work with renewed focus and strengthened bonds among colleagues. It’s a reminder that true productivity doesn’t come from non-stop work but from balanced moments of rest and rejuvenation. Embracing fika within our daily routine can helps us approach our tasks with a refreshed spirit and a strengthened sense of camaraderie.”


“Magic happens in the energy of fika. Here the universe expresses her gifts and beautiful promises as hearts open to the warmth of souls intertwining, connecting, seeing you again for the first time.

My whole life is becoming a fika moment. Fika forever. As a Jamaica woman, the vibe is fika most of the time. After fika, we work a little. Then fika some more.

I met this beautiful woman once that introduced me to fika. We got lost in the magic of pure presence. Thank you, you have changed my life in such a beautiful way.

Fika is the missing piece to creating a world connected by love 💜”

Image of a woman smiling
Fika is a great concept that forces you to slow down, take time and live in the moment. It’s the best way to connect with colleagues at work, when otherwise people sit separately at their desks, hunched over their computers. It needs to be built into the working day
— Laura Dixon, previous colleague

Alan Mead, Coach & Trainer

“In a world where there is ever more stress and pressure, Fika is a fabulous way to step back, pause for breath and take a meaningful break.

Not just a quick dash to a messy office kitchen because it's your turn to ‘get a round in’.

Fika lets you recharge, refresh and really get to know and understand your colleagues too.

Fika helps build more energised, fulfilled teams that do better work, more effectively and more efficiently too.

Every business should take a Fika break"

A smiling man
Coffee cup

Katie Apps, Sure Train

“I'm a big lover of coffee, cake and chatting so it's something I do already but didn't realise that it was called Fika!

I did really enjoy hearing about it in more detail and the essence of Fika.  I think the main take way was that it's really important for us to take a break eat cake and find out about the people we work with, the people we love and others around us. And that taking these breaks helps us function better and get in touch with those around us.”

Smiling woman
Tweet about fika and coffee and cake photo collage

Staff at South Devon College;

“The Fikas have proven to be a great way to bring people together from across curriculum areas. I would like to see them continue. ”

Staff at South Devon College;

“I adored the Fika experience, being able to take some time out during the day was wonderful. It truly had a positive impact on the rest of my day when I was able to step away from desk and take a breather.”

South Devon College Fika poster

Staff at South Devon College;

“I had fika three times over the months and every time found it to be a positive, sociable experience. I’m classic ‘tied to my desk’, break at my desk, lunch at my desk so it was great to take a bit of time to chat to colleagues. I definitely felt more positive and productive when I went back to work. It was also good to chat to colleagues informally about work but also about life outside college and to get to know them a bit better. A couple of times we bumped into colleagues who we hadn’t seen for a while and the fika seemed like a secret code to come and chat. I felt ideas and plans and positivity were being shared as part of these chance encounters. ”

Staff at South Devon College;

“I enjoyed taking part in Fika. It allowed me to connect with other staff who I only know from emails and find out a bit more about them. I was glad that there was encouragement from my supervisor to do this and that I didn’t need to use my flexi to take part.”

Staff at South Devon College;

“I really enjoyed being able to take an extra little break away from the desk and it was nice to be able to catch up with people I usually wouldn’t be able to due to conflicting rotas/schedules.”

Staff at South Devon College;

“I enjoyed the month of Fika and the concept of taking a short break to recharge is one that should be encouraged.”

An article about how I brought fika to South Devon College.

Cardamon bun and apple juice
Chai latte and chocolate brownie
Fika and Ikigai

Discover how a mindful fika break can transform your day, boosting wellbeing and fostering meaningful connections. Book a fika workshop or attend a virtual fika with me today!

Who am I?

Hi, I am Victoria Grimberg. I am passionate about bringing fika into people's lives and workplaces. My aim is to connect people with each other through the Swedish custom and tradition of fika, by weekly virtual fika pauses, workshops, networking and fika events.

I am a fikanista ☕🍪 A fikanista is someone who makes time to share a cup of coffee or tea and a little something to eat, ideally homemade cakes, buns or biscuits, with family, friends or colleagues. Prioritising a pause to socialise and catch up with people around you, get to know them and their story. This tradition brings people together. No wonder I’m a big advocate of this Swedish culture.